Succoth is nestled beneath the Cobbler and Arrochar Alps, at the head of Loch Long. Now a largely residential area with excellent access to walking in Glen Loin and to the Arrochar Alps, it was once farming land, and has several points of interest.
The Shire Bridge forms the historical boundary between the counties of Dunbartonshire and Argyllshire. A carved plaque embedded in the centre of the north parapet records the fact that to the west lies Argyll and to the east, Dunbartonshire. Remains of an earlier bridge can be seen to the north of the present one. Dippers can frequently be seen under the bridge, their white breasts and characteristic bobbing motion betraying their presence.
Part of the Cowal Way and Three Lochs Way takes you from Arrochar northwards along the east side of Glen Loin. Hidden on the hillside among the woodland is the site of ancient iron workings, and the nearby 'Red Well', reputed to have healing properties; those seeking a cure obtained nails from the village blacksmith to drive into a tree near the well.
On the opposite bank of the River Loin a steep track leads you to the entrance to the Glen Loin Caves. Legend has it that Robert the Bruce hid here following his army's defeat at the Battle of Methven in 1306. The caves also proved a suitable hiding place for MacFarlane clansmen, who reputedly hid in the caves and ambushed unwary drovers as they brought their cattle down the glen.
The Forestry Cottages were built in the 1950s. To celebrate the coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II, the estate was to be laid out in the shape of her monogram 'ER'; however, the houses forming the letter E were never built, explaining the unconventional layout of the roads, best viewed from the hillsides.
Between the Forestry Cottages and the head of Loch Long is a field known as the Camping Field. Whole families from Glasgow would move here for the summer and live in big canvas tents with cast-iron stoves for heating and cooking. The local policeman was kept busy, mostly at weekends, sorting out disputes. The ruins of two toilet blocks are all that remain of this former campsite.