Your Community Your Way
Following on from the community consultation process, a new Community Action Plan has been finalised for 2014-2019.
Based on extensive consultation, this plan lays out the community's aspirations and priorities for the next few years, with various suggestions on how these aims might be achieved.
The Community Action Plan belongs to and can be used by anyone; it is not the property of any one group within the villages. Likewise, it is not the responsibility of any one group to achieve the aims laid out in the plan, but could be used as a basis for funding applications for any group or individual wanting to act on any of the issues raised.
Hopefully, the plan will help focus efforts to achieve as many of the aims as possible over the next few years!
A downloadable version is available here.
Many thanks to Sue Williams for carrying out community consultation, all the members of the steering group (Jim Proctor, Jean Mustarde, Duncan MacLachlan, Mark Sutcliffe, Ann Huggans, Diana Page, Mary Haggarty, Fiona Jackson, Carol Murray and Eileen Kay), and to Clara Walker, Tom Wallace and Elizabeth Bain, from the Community Partnership, for offering support to make this document possible.
The National Parl also conducted a Charrette planning meeting in 2013. Although this was separate from the Community Action plan, it will also have a major impact on community planning and development - especially in relation to tourism. Click here to go to the National Park's website for more information.