
Village Halls Networking Event Success

The Three Villages Hall was pleased to welcome almost 100 delegates from Aberdeenshire to Ayrshire, East Lothian to the Isles of Tiree, Coll and Luing, as well as a peppering of villages close by and across the central for a Village Halls Networking event on July 3rd.

Excellent keynote speakers from SCVO, OSCR, Climate Challenge Fund and the Big Lottery preceded talks on our own Hall journey and another presentation from Katy Lamb of Kinlochard Village Hall.

A sensational spread at lunch ended in Retta’s exceptional pavlova, accompanied by a healthy buzz of discussion around the hall.

The chair Norman MacAskill instigated a host of discussion and advisory groups for the remainder of the afternoon, before dispersing delegates about 3.30.

The event was a real success, with praise from organisers and delegates alike. Check out the link at:

We would very much like to welcome this event back again, as well as similar ones, to continue to be at the heart of active communities. There was a unanimous interest in making the most of Village Halls and community venues, all sharing, learning and networking together, in order to develop and strengthen individual operations.

We made a lot of new friends, which will hopefully result in longer term benefits for us all.

Thanks to the Hall Management Group for arranging the event, Martha, Betty, Heather & others who served up, cleared up, washed up did a superb job behind the scenes so that everything ran smoothly front of house. It was like a magic act – refreshments appearing, disappearing, cleaned and put away as if it never even happened! The Hospitality Magicians!


Three Villages